Solifi releases the 2023 Global Leasing Report

The Global Leasing Report, prepared by Solifi in conjunction with the World Leasing Yearbook, uncovers revealing insights about the world’s top 50 leasing markets.

Solifi, a global fintech software partner for secured finance, announced the release of the 2023 Global Leasing Report. This one-of-a-kind report provides a detailed analysis of the top 50 leasing markets worldwide, providing historical data insights, economic projections, and trends. Solifi has been partnering with the World Leasing Yearbook since 2006 to provide this global report at no charge.

As the global leasing industry emerged from the pandemic and equipment investments rebounded, the report’s findings revealed a promising 9.3% increase in new business volumes in 2021. The top 50 countries reported new business volume of $1.463 billion (USD) in 2021, up from $1.338 billion (USD) in 2020.

The Global Leasing Report shows the industry has grown 84% in the past decade; however, findings predict international growth will slow from 6% in 2021 to 2.7% in 2023. And while global inflation is expected to slow down in 2023 (6.5%) compared to 2022 (8.8%), it’s forecasted to rise another 4.1% by 2024.

Our research finds that the United States remains the world’s largest leasing market (+7.40% growth), with China (+10.71%), the United Kingdom (+14.32%), Germany (+21.85%), and Japan (+8.71%) rounding out the top five market-leading countries. Combined, these five markets account for more than 72% of the world’s leasing volume. The Global Leasing Report takes a closer look at these regional markets to help predict where the industry is heading in the future.

“Despite constant business disruption from the residual pandemic effects, unpredictable economic turbulence, and supply chain shortages, the global leasing market is growing. Innovation and resilience are key attributes of the leasing market and continue to underpin the industry’s growth,” says Solifi CEO David Hamilton. “For the past 17 years, the Solifi Global Leasing Report has been the go-to guide for the industry and has become one of the leasing market’s most trusted and definitive resources. The invaluable research findings at both global and individual country levels provide the knowledge and insights leasing organizations need to make crucial business decisions to drive their continued growth.”

Visit our website to download your free copy of the 2023 Solifi Global Leasing Report. You can also stay up to date with all our news and secured finance product releases by joining the Solifi LinkedIn community.

About the Global Leasing Report

The Solifi Global Leasing Report – part of the World Leasing Yearbook – features data on international leasing volume and growth by region, market penetration, GDP penetration ratios, and market shares, as well as a unique ranking of the top 50 leasing markets by size.

About the World Leasing Yearbook

This report is an extract from the 324-page World Leasing Yearbook. To obtain the full report, you can purchase the World Leasing Yearbook 2023 in digital or hardback formats at

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